A handy carpet repair kit is ideal for diy carpet burn, patch and hole repairs.
Things you will need in your diy carpet repairs kit for an emergency repair:
Utility knife
Hessian tape for bedding
Latex adhesive for bonding
Tape measure for measuring a square
Tucking tool for tucking edges
Seam roller for seam rollering
Duck billed scissors for trimming
Darning needle for feathering the edges
Tweezers for plucking carpet tufts
Spare carpet patch or fibres
Here is the best way to repair a small carpet hole, burn, dent, rip or snag with miracullous results.
This video will show you how to repair carpet burn damage caused by a lit cigarette end falling on wool carpet.
To book an emergency carpet repair service call Carpet Doctor today on 07976702383
The cost for an Emergency carpet repair starts from £99.00