My very first carpet patch/repair in Birmingham was back in 1997. It was an exciting experience to load up the works van and travel from Tamworth to Birmingham city centre to provide a professional carpet repair service, after a long term apprenticeship studying carpet installation and repair skills in Tamworth, Redditch and Kidderminster college. It was also my first year of self-employment, trading as a carpet repair man. I received a telephone call from a lady in Birmingham to fix an iron burn mark in the carpet: she had accidently dropped the iron onto her new beige carpet, causing a perfect triangular shaped burn in the middle of the lounge. Easy mistake. I nearly did the same thing once by getting the tangled cable wrapped around my legs and the ironing board legs nearly dropping the iron in the entanglement. This reminded me that by dropping or placing a hot object onto a soft carpet, the results would be that it is likely to melt and burn the carpet. When I got the call to repair carpet in Birmingham, I used the same traditional materials that I still use today to produce an invisible repair. I use professional materials such as 100% natural hessian tape for binding ( now available from Carpet Doctor ) and Roberts 8015 adhesive to seal, firm down and prevent frayed carpet edges from coming apart. This method is the only way to repair a fairly large burn in a carpet, by using the same materials that carpets are made from, to perform a perfect patch repair.
Watch the video below to see how to repair carpet burn damage, caused by exploding light bulb.